Surgical Dermatology

Our dermatologists have extensive surgical training in the removal of lesions on the skin. Depending on the type of skin lesion, a biopsy may be indicated to obtain a definitive diagnosis.

A skin biopsy is a simple procedure that is performed during your office visit and involves taking a small sample of skin tissue, which will be sent to a dermatopathologist for microscopic evaluation. If a diagnosis of skin cancer is made or confirmed by a biopsy, surgical removal will most likely be indicated.

Dermatologic surgery is performed in the office under local anesthetic on an outpatient basis. Surgical techniques performed in a dermatology office include excisional surgery, electrosurgery or cryosurgery. At Dermatology Physicians of Dallas we remove a variety of benign and malignant lesions.

If you have questions regarding the health of your skin, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment. 

The information presented herein is for informational purposes only, none of the information presented on this site is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.

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